Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Rate or Slate: Carla vs. The Queen

Carla Bruni and the Queen. Photo Credit: Daily Mail. All Rights Reserved.Two very regal ladies, two very different generations. But who pulls off the '40s look best?

It's Carla Bruni for team grey, and Her Royal Highness in the beige corner.

May the best royal win.


  1. I would love to say that I am torn between the two, but honestly, I think the Queen is rocking out on this one! This prim and proper look from a woman who seems to spend a lot of time in a bikini is just not fooling me! Plus the Queen's arm candy is truly fabulous! No one works hats like Her Majesty! Sorry Carla, the little hat killed it for me.

  2. Sorry Rivkie...I gotta go with Carla on this one. The unusual collar detail, the Audrey Hepburn black flats, the pillbox hats. Ok, so maybe it's sort of like tossing Paris Hilton into a nun outfit. It doesn't necessarily fit her personality, but who really cares about personality when there's such great style to look at?


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