Thursday 11 February 2010

Editor @ Large . . . An Ode to Alexander McQueen

Many of you will now know that tragically Alexander McQueen committed suicide. This has been a year of 'celebrity' loss, but it's McQueen's disappearance that will hit me most.

I decided to go into fashion after seeing a video of a McQueen collection at the V & A. It was the moth collection, where he had made all his models bandaged and tortured souls. I was astounded. I remember standing there watching it, over and over, maybe for half an hour or more. There was such beauty and such pain, in perfect measure in perfect harmony. I understood it and was yet confused. I knew then that I wanted to work in fashion. I through myself into experimenting with wire clothing and randomness. I wanted to make it to his level, even though I knew I never would. I read everything I could on him, I went to his offices and spoke to people there, I was consumed by his clothes and wolfed down his brilliance. In later years I followed his work, I always watched the shows online and held the products longingly in store. I still have my McQueen jeans, which I never wore but will never bin. 

When I read he was dead (twitter, the power of social networking) I went straight on Net A Porter and bought an Alexander McQueen ring, i'll be skint for the rest of the month but I don't care. I had to have it. I may not wear it, I might just keep it in a box. My piece of a man that changed my life. Never underestimate the power of inspiration. 

McQueen wowed everyone the world over. A master tailor, a genius, a creative, someone who understood women's and men's clothing alike. 

McQueen was found dead today 11/02/10


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